revor is an internationally respected researcher and principle of Enlichened Consulting Ltd, a consultancy active since 1996 and based out of the Clearwater Valley. A born naturalist, he worked during his student years as a seasonal interpreter – a park naturalist – in several of British Columbia’s provincial parks, especially Wells Gray. With geologist Cathie Hickson, he later wrote a book on the park’s natural history: Nature Wells Gray, published in 1984 and expanded in 1994, but currently out of print.
Since settling down in Upper Clearwater adjacent to southern Wells Gray Park in 1984, he has earned a living as a lichen taxonomist and ecologist, with specialties in biodiversity and oldgrowth ecosystems – a research area that later prompted him to advocate for the dwindling Deep-snow Mountain Caribou. In 1986 he became a founding member of the (recently reinstated) Friends of Wells Gray Park for which he later served as president.
In 1993, Trevor donated ten acres of land to Thompson Rivers University for the eventual establishment of a Field Station in Upper Clearwater, a project he initiated in 1985 and for which he has recently laid out a 9-km trail system. Since 2000, he has been an active member of the Upper Clearwater Referral Group, for which he currently acts as spokesperson. In 2011, he began working with The Land Conservancy of BC to create a wildlife corridor linking the two southern arms of Wells Gray Park.
In 2013, with the help of Jason Hollinger, he published a second book on the Clearwater Valley, Treasure Wells Gray, also currently out of print. Since 2019, Trevor has collaborated with the Land Conservancy of BC on an outreach programme called Deertrails, which offers annual workshops intended to help young people transition to a deeper and durable relationship with the Living World. His writings to date include six books or book chapters, 30 popular articles, and about 130 peer-reviewed papers in the scientific literature – find a full list here.
About sixty-five of Trevor’s publications incorporate fieldwork conducted in the Clearwater Valley:
Altermann, S., S.D. Leavitt and T. Goward. 2016. Tidying up the genus Letharia: introducing L. lupina sp. nov. and a new circumscriptions for L. columbiana (Nutt.) Thoms. Lichenologist 48: 423–439.
Altermann, S., S.D. Leavitt, T. Goward, M.P. Nelsen and H.T. Lumbsch. 2014. How do you solve a problem like Letharia? A new look at cryptic species in lichen-forming fungi using bayesian clustering and SNPs from multilocus sequence data. PloS ONE 9: 1–14.
Arsenault, A. and T. Goward. 2000. Ecological characteristics of inland rainforests. Pages 437–439 in L. Darling (ed.). Proceedings of a conference on the biology and management of species and habitats at risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15–19 Feb., 1999. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, B.C. and University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, B.C.
Arsenault, A. and T. Goward. 2016. Patterns of macrolichen diversity in old and young unmanaged forests along a moisture gradient in humid inland British Columbia. Ecological Indicators 69: 730–738.
Bidussi, M., T. Goward and Y. Gauslaa. 2013. Growth and secondary compound investments in the epiphytic lichens Lobaria pulmonaria and Hypogymnia occidentalis transplanted along an altitudinal gradient in British Columbia. Botany 91: 621–630.
Björk, C.R. and T. Goward. 2022. Clarification of the identity of Picea x albertiana and a new nothospecies for hybrids of P. engelmannii and P. glauca. Phytoneuron 2022–65: 1–8.
Björk, C.R. and T. Goward. 2013. A second annotated checklist of vascular plants in Wells Gray Provincial Park and vicinity, British Columbia, Canada. 106 pages. [Available on-line.] (Accessed January 2017.)
Björk, C.R., T. Goward and T. Spribille. 2009. New records and range extensions of rare lichens from waterfalls and sprayzones in inland British Columbia, Canada. Evansia 26: 219–224.
Cannings, R.A., T. Goward and W.J. Merilees. 2020. Tribute to R. Yorke Edwards, 1924–2011. Canadian Field-Naturalist 134: 270–294. [doi:10.22621/cfn.v134i3.2657]
DellaSala, D., P. Alaback, L. Craighead, T. Goward, P. Paquet and T. Spribille. 2010. Chapter 3. Temperate and boreal rainforests of inland northwestern North America. Pages 82–110 in D. DellaSala (ed.): Temperate and boreal rainforests of the world. Island Press, Washington.
DellaSala, D., P. Alaback, L. Craighead, T. Goward, H. Håkon, J. Kirkpatrick, P.V. Krestov, F. Moola, Y. Nakamura, R.S. Nauman, R.F. Noss, P. Paquet, K. Ronneberg, T. Spribille, D. Tecklin and H. von Wehrden. 2010. Chapter 10. Crosscutting issues and conservation strategies. Pages 243–259 in D. DellaSala (ed.): Temperate and boreal rainforests of the world. Island Press, Washington.
DiMeglio, J. and T. Goward. 2023. Resolving the Sticta fuliginosa morphodeme (lichenized Ascomycota: Peltigeraceae) in northwestern North America. The Bryologist 126: 90–110.
Divakar, P, A. Crespo, M. Wedin, et al. 2015. Evolution of complex symbiotic relationships in a morphologically derived family of lichen-forming fungi. New Phytologist 2015: 1–15.
Easton, L. and T. Goward. 2023. Can moisture-indicating understory plants be used to predict survivorship of large lodgepole pine trees (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) during severe outbreaks of mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae)? In press.
Gauslaa, Y. and T. Goward. 2012. Relative growth rates of two epiphytic lichens, Lobaria pulmonaria and Hypogymnia occidentalis, transplanted within and outside of Populus dripzones. Botany 90: 954–965.
Gauslaa, Y. and T. Goward. 2020. Melanic pigments and canopy-specific elemental concentration shape growth rates of the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in unmanaged mixed forests. Fungal Ecology 47: 100984.
Gauslaa, Y. and T. Goward. 2023. Canopy openness shapes the horizontal distributions of melanic and usnic hair lichens in the lower canopy of conifer forests. The Lichenologist 2023: 1–9.
Gauslaa, Y., T. Goward and J. Asplund. 2021. Canopy throughfall links canopy epiphytes to terrestrial vegetation in pristine conifer forests. Fungal Ecology 52: 101075. [doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2021.101075]
Gauslaa, Y., T. Goward and T. Pypker. 2020. Canopy settings shape elemental composition of the epiphytic lichen Lobaria pulmonaria in unmanaged conifer forests. Ecological Indicators 113: 106294. [doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106294]
Goffinet, B., J. Miadlikowska and T. Goward. 2003. Phylogenetic inferences based on nrDNA sequences support five morphospecies within the Peltigera didactyla complex (Lichenized Ascomycota). The Bryologist 106: 349–364.
Goward, T. (ed.). 1984. Checklist of the Birds of Wells Gray Provincial Park. First Edition. B.C. Parks. 2 pages.
Goward, T. 1984. The Trophy Mountain extension: A new perspective on Wells Gray Provincial Park. Unpublished report to BC Parks. 6 pages.
Goward, T. (ed.). 1993. Checklist of the Birds of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Second Edition. B.C. Parks. 2 pages.
Goward, T. 1994. Notes on oldgrowth-dependent epiphytic macrolichens in the humid oldgrowth forests in inland British Columbia, Canada. Acta Botanica Fennica 150: 31–38.
Goward, T. 1998. Observations on the ecology of the lichen genus Bryoria in high elevation conifer forests. Canadian Field Naturalist 112: 496–501.
Goward, T. 2003. On the dispersal of hair lichens (Bryoria) in high-elevation oldgrowth conifer forests. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 117: 44–48.
Goward, T. 2003. On the vertical zonation of Hair Lichens (Bryoria) in the canopies of high-elevation oldgrowth conifer forests. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 114: 39–43.
Goward, T. 2008. 12 Readings on the Lichen Thallus. 1. Face in the Mirror. Evansia 25: 23–25.
Goward, T. and T. Ahti. 1983. Parmelia hygrophila, a new lichen species from the Pacific Northwest of North America. Annales Botanici Fennici 20: 9–13.
Goward, T. and T. Ahti. 1992. Macrolichens and their zonal distribution in Wells Gray Provincial Park and its vicinity, British Columbia, Canada. Acta Botanica Fennica 147: 1–60.
Goward, T. and T. Ahti. 1997. Notes on the distributional ecology of the Cladoniaceae (lichenized Ascomycetes) in temperate and boreal North America. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 82: 143–155.
Goward, T., T. Ahti, J. Elix and T. Spribille. 2010. Hypogymnia recurva and H. wilfiana spp. nov., two new lichens from western North America. Botany 88: 345–351.
Goward, T. and A. Arsenault. 2000. Cyanolichen distribution in young unmanaged forests: a dripzone effect? The Bryologist 103: 28–37.
Goward, T. and A. Arsenault. 2000. Inland oldgrowth rainforests: safe havens for rare lichens? Pages 759–766 in L. Darling (ed.). Proceedings of a conference on the biology and management of species and habitats at risk, Kamloops, B.C., 15–19 Feb., 1999. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, B.C. and University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, B.C.
Goward, T. and A. Arsenault. 2003. Notes on the Populus “dripzone effect” in well ventilated stands in humid inland east-central British Columbia. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 117: 61–65.
Goward, T. and A. Arsenault. 2018. Calicioid diversity in humid inland British Columbia may increase into the 5th century after stand initiation. Lichenologist 50: 555–569.
Goward, T. and C.R. Björk. 2009. Wilf Schofield: a waterfall tribute. Botanical Electronic News 2009.
Goward, T., O. Breuss, B. Ryan, B. McCune, H. Sipman and C. Scheidegger. 1996. Notes on the lichens and allied fungi of British Columbia. III. The Bryologist 99: 439–449.
Goward, T. and J. Campbell. 2005. Arboreal Hair Lichens in a Young, Unmanaged, Mid-elevation Conifer Stand, with Implications for Mountain Caribou. The Bryologist 108: 427–434.
Goward, T., P. Diederich and R. Rosentreter. 1994. Notes on the lichens and allied fungi of British Columbia. II. The Bryologist 97: 56–62.
Goward, T., Y. Gauslaa, C.R. Björk, D. Woods and K.G. Wright. 2022. Stand openness predicts hair lichen (Bryoria) abundance in the lower canopy, with implications for the conservation of Canada’s critically imperiled Deep-Snow Mountain Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Forest Ecology and Management 520: 120416. [Available on-line.]
Goward, T. and B. Goffinet. 2000. Peltigera chionophila, a new lichen (Ascomycetes) from the western cordillera of North America. The Bryologist 103: 493–498.
Goward, T., B. Goffinet and O. Vitikainen. 1994. Synopsis of the genus Peltigera (Lichenes, Ascomycotina) in British Columbia, with a key to the North American species. Canadian Journal of Botany 73: 91–111.
Goward, T. and C.J. Hickson. 1989. Nature Wells Gray. The Clearwater Valley. The Friends of Wells Gray Park, Kamloops. 190 pages.
Goward, T. and C.J. Hickson. 1995. Nature Wells Gray, Second edition. A Visitor’s Guide to the Park. Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, AB. 224 pages.
Goward, T. with J. Hollinger. 2016. Treasure Wells Gray: Kids-in-Wild-Nature Treasure Hunt. Wells Gray Wilderness Society, Clearwater. 52 pages.
Goward, T. and B. McCune. 2007. Hypogymnia canadensis (Parmeliaceae), a new lichens from the Pacific coast of North America. The Bryologist 110: 808–811.
Goward, T. and T. Spribille. 2005. Lichenological evidence for the recognition of inland rainforests in western North America. Journal of Biogeography 32: 1209–1219.
Goward, T., T. Spribille, T. Ahti and C.J. Hampton-Miller. 2012. Four new sorediate species in the Hypogymnia austerodes group (lichens) from northwestern North America, with notes on thallus morphology. The Bryologist 115: 84–100.
Goward, T. and G. Thor. 1992. Notes on the lichens and allied fungi of British Columbia. The Bryologist 95: 33–37.
Goward, T. and K. Wright. (eds.). 2009. Checklist of the Birds of Wells Gray Provincial Park. Third Edition. Edgewood Blue. 2 pages.
Kinley, T.A., T. Goward, B.N. McLellan and R. Serrouya. 2007. The influence of variable snowpacks on habitat use by Mountain Caribou. Rangifer, Special Issue 17: 93–102.
Manoharan, S.S., J. Miadlikowska, T. Goward, O.S. Andresson and V.P.W. Miao. 2016. Peltigera islandica, a new cyanolichen species in section Peltigera (‘P. canina group’). Lichenologist 48: 451–467.
Lindgren, H., P. Diederich, T. Goward and L. Myllys. 2015. The phylogenetic analysis of fungi associated with lichenized ascomycete genus Bryoria reveals new lineages in the Tremellales including a new species Tremella huuskonenii hyperparasitic on Phacopsis huuskonenii. Fungal Biology 119: 844–856.
Lindgren, H., S. Velmala, F. Högnabba, T. Goward, H. Holien and L. Myllys. 2014. High fungal selectivity for algal symbionts in the genus Bryoria. Lichenologist 45: 681–695.
Magain, N., J. Miadlikowska, B. Goffinet, T. Goward, C.J. Pardo-De la Hoz, I. Jüriado, A. Simon, J.A. Meercado-Díaz, T. Barlow, B. Moncada, R. Lücking, A. Spielmann, L. Canez, L.S. Wang, P. Nelson, T. Wheeler, F. Lutzoni and E. Sérusiaux. 2023. High species richness in the lichen genus Peltigera (Ascomycota, Lecanoromycetes): 34 species in the dolichorhizoid and scabrosoid clades of section Polydactylon, including 24 new to science. Persoonia 51: 1–88.
Miadlikowska, J., F. Lutzoni, T. Goward, S. Zoller and D. Posada. 2003. New approach to an old problem: Incorporating signal from gap-rich regions from ITS and rDNA large subunit into phylogenetic analyses to resolve the Peltigera canina species complex. Mycologia 95: 1181–1203.
Myllys, L., S. Velmala and T. Goward. 2016. New species in Bryoria (Parmeliaceae, Lecanoromyces) from northwest North America. Lichenologist 48: 355–365.
Myllys, L., S. Velmala, H. Holien, P. Halonen, L.-S. Wang and T. Goward. 2011. Phylogeny of the genus Bryoria. Lichenologist 43: 617–638.
Piercey-Normore, M.D., T. Ahti and T. Goward. 2010. Phylogenetic and haplotype analyses of four segregates within Cladonia arbuscula s. lat. Botany 88: 397–408.
Peterson, E.B. and T. Goward. 2016. Chaenothecopsis aeruginosa sp. nov., an overlooked calicioid in the Pacific Northwest. Herzogia 29: 561–565.
Simon, A., B. Goffinet, L-S. Wang, T. Spribille, T. Goward, T. Pystina, N. Semenova, N.V. Stepanov, B. Moncada, R. Lücking, N. Magain and E. Sérusiaux. 2022. Global phylogeny and taxonomic reassessment of the lichen genus Dendriscosticta (Ascomycota: Peltigerales). Taxon 71: 256–287.
Spribille, T., C.R. Björk, S. Ekman, J.A. Elix, T. Goward, C. Printzen, T. Tønsberg and T. Wheeler. 2009. Contributions to an epiphytic lichen flora of northwest North America: I. Eight new species from British Columbia’s inland rainforests. The Bryologist 112: 109–137.
Strother, I.E., D. Coxson and T. Goward. 2021. Why is the rainforest lichen Methuselah’s Beard (Usnea longissima) so rare in British Columbia’s inland temperate rainforest? Botany 23 August 2021. [doi:10.1139/cjb-2021–0057]
Tønsberg, T. and T. Goward. 1992. Cladonia norvegica new to North America. Evansia 9: 56–58.
Tønsberg, T. and T. Goward. 2016. Cliostomum spribillei (Ramalinaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes), a new species from western North America. North American Fungi 11: 1–7.
Velmala, S., L. Myllys, P. Halonen, T. Goward and T. Ahti. 2009. Molecular data show that Bryoria fremontii and B. tortuosa (Parmeliaceae) are conspecific. Lichenologist 41: 231–242.
Velmala, S., L. Myllys, T. Goward, H. Holien and P. Halonen. 2014. Taxonomy of Bryoria section Implexae (Parmeliaceae, Lecanorales) in North America and Europe, based on chemical, morphological and molecular data. Annales Botanici Fennici 51: 345–371.
Wedin, M., F. Högnabba and T. Goward. 2009. A new species of Sphaerophorus, and a key to the family Sphaerophoraceae in western North America. The Bryologist 112: 368–374.