Glimpses of the Garden

Iris pumila “Moldau” Show’s over already. It lasted only three days. I’ll be waiting for it to bloom again a year from now.
Claytonia perfoliata, delicious edible, antiscorbutic.
Paxistima canbyi, blooming it’s heart out, but barely noticed.
Jeffersonia diphylla, whose flowers are pathetically weak. A bee tries to land on them, and they just fall apart.
Leibnitzia anandria, growing in combination with Valeriana (Plectritis) congesta, Gilia capitata, Oreomecon sp. nov., Peritoma serrulata, and Linaria aeruginosa, all of them self-sown. I like fostering such improbable combinations of plants in the garden. I’m pretty sure there’s no other garden in the world with these plants growing side by each.
A most classic of classic tulips. Growing in a pot brought out from the greenhouse and set by the back door for a good, red greeting.
Lomatium sandbergii, a regionally endemic species from mountains of the southern Interior Wetbelt
“Tiny violet” A wee member of the Viola adunca complex that seems to have no name (except “tiny violet”. I knew of it only from here in the Clearwater Valley, but last summer I found that it’s also common far up north in the Omineca Mountains, where it’s a regular member of Festuca altaica grasslands.
Viola jooi, from the eastern Carpathians. I’ve grown this for a few years, but it was only today I noticed that it’s fragrant (like Viola odorata). This was the original plant. It now has many progeny scattered around. Maybe I could naturalize it throughout the lawns.
Rhodiola pinnatifida, with rosettes of Papaver triniifolium
Rhodiola integrifolia, from the Cassiar Mountains
Bronzy new growth on Adiantum venustum. It survived another winter! Here in Zone 3, I’m pushing two garden zones of hardiness for this species.
Polemonium acutiflorum, grown from seed gathered in the Cassiar Mountains
Claytonia rubra has suddenly shown up spontaneously in the garden. Every year, plants appear in the garden beds inexplicably. Some of them extremely unlikely, such as Koenigia islandica. Garden magic.

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